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St. John's Stevensville United Church

Slow Me Down (Creative Spirit Theme)

What is Creative Spirit?
Creative Spirit is a way to help people touch their souls and experience God, the Creator in a different way, enhancing their search for peace and well-being. It is a ministry of intentional spiritual practices of creativity.

Need a break in your week?
As you release yourself from the busyness of the day and treat your time as a sacred creation, this honours the gifts God has given us to experience joy in the every day.
Is it an art class or a craft group?
Neither. Creative Spirit provides a new and inspiring worship experience, available to people of all ages, abilities and life experiences.
Each two hour session includes a worship portion, and a guided meditation, followed by the creative artistic time.
What does it cost?
There is no fee for this program.
Materials and supplies are provided on site and you are (usually) welcome to bring your finished product home with you.
How do I sign up?
All you have to do is send an email to Carolyn at or drop in at the Embrace Centre (14 Jarvis St) during the program hours.
Check out our Facebook page for more photos!
You're Invited to come out and give Creative Spirit a try!
No Experience Necessary!

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