St. John's Stevensville United Church
What's Happening?
St. John's Stevensville is full to bursting with ongoing and special activities. We strongly believe in the importance of community, and want to give you every chance to find something that resonates with you.
Take a look at the things we have available!
Available for ages 4-12 and volunteer opportunities for those 13-19 (also see the Youth Group Page).
Current Theme: On Hold Until September
Check out all of the ongoing events and activities that are happening, as well as some of the special events coming up!
Creative Spirit meets once a week to use art practices as a way of exploring spiritual prayer.
On Hold Until September.
The South Coast youth group meets at the Embrace Centre once a week.
On Hold Until September.
There are always exciting things happening at St. John's Stevensville United Church, and we love to take photos! So check out our gallery to see some of the past activities we've enjoyed!
We send out a newsletter every three months as a way to keep everyone informed of what is coming up, and the results of past events.
Read all the past newsletters, and check out old calendar, by clicking here!