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Meet Our Church Team

Ministry Team

Ministry Team

Rev. Dr. Cheryl Wood-Thomas

Minister of Word, Sacrament and Pastoral Care


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Rev. Bill Thomas

Minister of Outreach, Social Justice and Community Engagement


Bill Contact

Music Team

Music Team
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Tom and Fran Inglis

Choir Directors


Fran and Tom are the husband wife duo that pulls our choir together and creates music that worships the Creator! 


If you would like to know more about our choir, please click here.

Pink Blossom

Ian Green


Support Team

Suppot Team

John Bedell


Technology Supervisor


John keeps our little church all up to date with the latest in streaming, presenting and recording technology. He is always excited about new ways of sharing the gospel far and wide using new gadgets and ideas. 


He is the founder of Niagara Online Worship, which is currently housed at St. John's Stevensville United Church. To learn more about that, please click here.


John is also instrumental in the Truth and Reconciliation projects with First Nations as he partners with Habitat For Humanity and helps facilitate programming to better learn and understand what reconciliation truly means.

Victoria MacDonald


Communications Coordinator


Victoria runs our website, and media platforms, while also coordinating the vast number of programs that St. John's Stevensville offers. She is always looking to reach new people and groups by facilitating new programs and offering the space to be used in new and innovative ways.


Victoria also designs the Sunday School program as well as runs the Youth Group and Young Adult Discussion groups, which are altogether called the MICE (Meeting In Christian Education). 


To learn more about the Sunday school or the youth programs, please click here.

Carolyn Campbell


Leader of Prayerful Practices.


Carolyn leads the prayer practices of the church, which are ways of praising God that can be surprising and unusual. She is a strong believer that any expression of yourself can be considered an act of prayer and bringing yourself closer to God. 


She is the founder of the Creative Spirit Program, and runs it out of the Embrace Centre once a week. She also provides leadership for the ukulele club. 


To learn more about creative spirit, click here. 


Scott Holmes

Church Caretaker


Scott takes care of the church and the Embrace Centre by keeping them presentable and welcoming. 

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