St. John's Stevensville United Church
The Last Supper
By: Bohdan Piasecki
Like other great causes for celebrations during the United Church anniversary, the illustration above is featured in THE UNTIED CHURCH OF CANADA as a tribute to female disciples in our ministry. Women are leading many anniversary celebrations in this, the first denomination in the world where women in active ministry exceed the number of men in ministry, 52% - 48%, with appropriate accounting for various expressions in gender diversity.
In grateful recognition of our international leadership in gender and related matters, the movement for future ordination of Roman Catholic women which owns this picture granted permission for us to use it here, and without fee by all communities of faith in The United Church of Canada which acknowledge: Copyright of Last Supper by Bohdan Piasecki is owned by We Are Church Ireland at, used here by permission.
Piasecki’s Last Supper maybe copied from the St. John’s Stevensville website. Now superseding the classical Last Supper by Michaelangelo, the more scriptural message of this version is described in a chapter on women’s ministries which maybe found in THE UNTIED CHURCH OF CANADA, recently reprinted and now available again at UCRD.