St. John's Stevensville United Church
Schedule of Events
Scroll down to learn more about any of our events. Feel free to contact us about attending any one of them!

Ongoing Events
Sunday Morning Service:
Sunday Mornings: 11:00am - 12:00pm
Come and join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 11am.
You can also find us online at www.niagaraonlineworship.com
St. John's Stevensville take our mantra "Love God ~ Live Jesus" to heart and welcomes all to our weekly services.
Free children's programs are available during service. Refreshments and fellowship available for the whole congregation after service.
Sign up sheets are available to participate as a reader, greeter, or hospitality host.

Choir Practice:
Sunday Mornings: 10am - 11:00am
The choir meets once a week for rehearsal before service. Any and all are welcome to join, since singing praise is a form of worship!
Looking to be involved? Email our Music Team, or come in to chat with us on Sunday mornings! We are always looking for people who enjoy using their voice to praise, whether as an ensemble or in solos / duets.

Nimble Thimbles:
Wednesday Mornings: 9:30am - 11am
Our resident group of talented sewers (plus knitters, quilters and crochet-ers) are working on some amazing projects. If you have a project that you would like help on, or are simply looking for a group to chat to while you complete your own project, feel free to drop in and say hi!
Note: Some materials are provided. No experience needed.

The Dukes of Uke / Ukeliscious Mamas / Ukadults:
The Uke Club is on hiatus for the current months. Please check back for more information.
No skill necessary! If you've ever thought about picking up a new skill and sharing your love of music, now is the time! Whether you're experienced or brand new, we would love to have you stop by at any time for our ukulele refresher course! Carolyn will go over all the basics and we'll jam together.

Puzzles and Book Library:
Available anytime the church is open.
We have a growing library of books and puzzles available to taken home by any member of the community. If there is a book you would like to take, feel free to do so. If you have books that you would like to leave, then you may do that as well! Same thing goes for the puzzles!
We are here to share with one another!

The Embrace Center:
Looking for a particular event that isn't on the list? It may be held at our outreach centre!
Programs such as Bible Studies, Creative Spirit or Youth Group are held at the Embrace, located on Jarvis Street, Fort Erie. Check out the schedule at the Embrace Center by clicking here.

Special Events
Christmas Cantata:
Sunday, December 15th
2:30 pm
The choir at St. John's Stevensville United Church presents their annual choral cantata, called "The Wonderous Story!"
Bring your friends and family for a free Christmas concert, no tickets needed, and then join us afterwards for snacks and light refreshments.
A freewill offering will be accepted, with the proceeds going towards the outreach centre, The Embrace.
Living History Project:
St. John's Stevensville United Church has begun collecting the stories of our church, our congregants and our communities. Interviews are recorded and edited by the tech team, to be posted here on the website as they finish.
If you have any stories that you would like to share, please contact us at sjsprograms@gmail.com and we will organize a time to meet up.
If you're interested in the finished products, please keep checking back!
Longest Night Service:
December 21st​
7 pm
When the sun hides it's face for the longest amount of time, we can feel the weight of life a little stronger. During this darkness, we join together to remember the people we have lost and share in the grief and emotions of the season as a community.
All are welcome to attend this service, with no registration or expectation.
Christmas Eve Service
December 24th @ 7:00pm
Join us for our Christmas Eve service, welcoming the birth of our Saviour during an evening of music, scripture, and communion.
All are welcome.