St. John's Stevensville United Church
Photo Gallery
We here at St. John's Stevensville United Church love to get together and have fun! Scroll down the page to take a look at some of the cool things we've done in the past. Or use the Quick Jump tool to see a particular event.
If you have photos that you've taken, feel free to share with us by emailing sjsprograms@gmail.com.
Quick Jump to any Event!
- Holy Week 2022
- Remembrance Day 2022
Church Events:
- Ham Dinner 2021
- Angel Walk 2021
- Adult Uke Club 2022
- Murder Mystery Theatre 2022
- Christmas Events 2022
- St. Paddy's Games Night 2023
- Gospel Night Concert 2023
Kids Events:
- VBS 2021: Knights of North Castle
- Uke Club Fall 2021
- Snow Adventures 2022
- Sunday School Rally 2022
- Sunday School Picnic 2023
Embrace Events:
- Turkey Giveaway 2021
- Boo At the Zoo 2021
- Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday 2022
- Pride Fort Erie 2022
- Community Events 2023 (Springfest and PRIDE)
Event Title (Date)

Miscellaneous Photos

Nimble Thimbles sorting a donation of yarn.
Jan. 2024
UCW Soup Fundraiser starts off our year!
Jan. 2024
St. Patrick's Day Games Night
March 2024
St. Patrick's Day Games Night
March 2024

St. Patrick's Day Games Night
March 2024
St. Patrick's Day Games Night
March 2024

Here is 2023 in a nutshell! Look back at all the amazing things we've done here at St. John's Stevensville United Church, and be ready for many more amazing things in 2024!
The window gets measured for our Memorial Stained Glass addition.
March. 2024
Stained Glass windows recovered from Central Ave Untied are considered to donate glass to the new memorial wind

Rev. Cheryl blessing the Prayer Shawls about to be given out.
Jan. 15, 2023
The whole crew goes to the theatre for the premiere of The Chosen!
Jan 2023
Welcome Rev. Diane Walker!
Feb. 12, 2023
After service luncheon to welcome Omar's family.
Feb. 2023

Congregation members went to see The Fruit Machine and talk with Darl Wood and Patti Gray afterwards.
March 2023

After service luncheon to welcome Omar's family.
Feb. 2023
A Year In Review! See all the amazing things we've done in the last year by watching this video from the 2022 Annual General Meeting.

John Bedell preaches about Habitat and our communities.
March 19, 2023

Laurie, John and Ric at the fundraising lunch for Habitat.
Jan 2023

Audrey celebrates her 93rd birthday!
March 2023

Happy Easter!
April 9, 2023

Rev. Cheryl plants beans with the children for Earth Day
April 2023

Rev. Bill serves tortellini during the fundraising dinner.
April 2023

For those that missed the surprise, Audrey shares birthday cake.
March 2023

Heather helps to serve during the fundraising dinner.
April 2023

Paul and Karen serve tortellini during the fundraising dinner.
April 2023

Rev. Bat-Bill is in the community at FanCon.
May 2023

The cross in the sanctuary gets a few new lightbulbs!
May 2023

Anderson collected 55 deodorants for the Embrace Centre!
May 2023

Melodie and John set up for the Living History interview series.
June 2023

The first Prayer Walk of 2023 is underway at Dufferin Islands.
June 2023

George relaxes during Lemonade on the Lawn.
June 2023

The young adults sit together for the Community BBQ.
July 2, 2023

The Pinata didn't stand a chance!
July 2, 2023

Jayden serves ice cream during the Community BBQ.
July 2, 2023
Phyllis during the second Prayer Walk at Queenston Heights.
July 2023

Rev. Cheryl and Rev. Bill during the second Prayer Walk at Queenston Heights.
July 2023

Tying a poppy net to support the Ridgeway Legion.
August 2023

Last prayer walk of the season.
Sept. 2023

UCW Bazaar
September 2023

Audrey and Linda at the Ladies Luncheon.

Welcoming Reem to the church family.
Sept. 2023

The SJS4 perform at the Ridgeway Legion for Remembrance Day.
Nov. 2023

Fran teaches the kids for children's time.
November 2023

Terrence hosts a Pampered Chef Party
Nov. 2023

Pampered Chef Fundraiser
Nov. 2023
Pampered Chef Party
Nov. 2023
Uke Club Christmas Jam Session
Dec. 2023
Toy Drive items are getting ready to go out!
Dec. 2023

Waiting for the Christmas Parade on Jarvis Street.
Dec. 2023
Creative Spirit does a special Advent project.
Dec. 2023
George lights the candles of the advent wreath.
Dec. 2023

The choir performs their beautiful Christmas Cantata!
Dec. 2023

The choir performing a special piece with Fran Inglis as the Solo. Jan. 30, 2022
Serving soup to recognize our first day back to in person services! Feb. 6, 2022.
Rev. Cheryl tests the mics for a discussion evening at the church. Feb. 2022
Guest cellist Grace Snippe joins us on Feb. 20, 2022

The Embrace Centre goes High Tech with new security Cameras.

Thank you to Beacon Christian School for the lovely Lenten Plant. March 2022.

Special music by Tom Inglis. April 2022

Early morning Matins service for Holy Week. April 2022.

The church gets a brand new digital sign. July 2022

We're joining the digital age!
July 2022

Starting back to lemonade on the lawn! July 2022

Serving Lemonade on the lawn. July 2022

UCW Led Worship - Thank you Ladies! August 2022

Susan baking cookies for Christmas. November 2022

Special duet by Carolyn and Beth. August 2022.

The boys setting up and serving the lemonade. August 2022.

Boo At The Zoo!!
October 2022

An Odd Children's Time.
Rev. Cheryl. October 2022

Linda Gorham and Diane Hartman receive recognition for all their contributions. 2021.
Rev. Bill at the Remembrance Day Service in Ridgeway. 2021.
Hanging out at the Santa Claus Parade Nov. 20, 2021
Gospel Night Concert (2023)
Sept. 17th, 2023 brought the St. John's 4 to the forefront and we sang the night away together. Fran, Linda, Ric and Dr. Tom on the piano presented a wide range of classic gospel tunes from the Gaither Family to Franny Crosby and beyond. People were tapping there toes and swaying along all evening.

Habitat For Humanity (2023)
John Bedell led the way, again, to Saugeen First Nations for the 2023 Habitat For Humanity Build. This year, our team consisted of 25 members, who were all willing to put in the hard work and live out "Reconciliation in Action!"
Habitat for Humanity - Grey Bruce and The Saugeen First Nations Council partner together to build "rent-to-own" homes for those in the community. To date, the partnership has built 28 homes, and the team that went up there for June 19-20th helped to build the most recent five sites.
Thank you to John, for putting everything together for a two day build. Thank you to all of the site staff who helped the team members do meaningful work that they could all feel proud of. And thank you to every one of the volunteers, who took the time and learned a few new skills!
Looking forward to doing it again next year!


While on site, the crew sat down to discuss their expectations, reasons for participating and the lessons they learned while here. (Watch all the way to the end!)
Thank you again to all of those people who came and spent the week with us!
Sunday School Picnic (2023)
The Sunday School finished off an amazing year with their annual water balloon fight! Thank you to Rev. Bill and Ryan Montgomery who volunteered to be in the "throw box" during the climax of the event!
We can't wait to see you all back inthe fall!

St. Paddy's Games Night (2023)

We gathered all together to challenge and defeat each other in a variety of board / card games that were brought in by our members. We had a lot of fun and found some new reigning champions!
March 17, 2023

Christmas Activities (2022)
Christmas Time was both busy and laid back for the 2022 season. Many things happened, but due to bad weather, others had to be postponed.
On Dec 4, we began our season with a dramatic reading of A Christmas Carol. Rev. Bill put together a good group of readers who brought the age old story to life. A big thank you to Wayne Redekop and Anne Marie Noyes who lent their voices to our performance.
Dec. 16 brought an amazing Christmas party to the Embrace Centre. We invited all of those who may not have anywhere else to go for Christmas celebrations. We gave out some small presents and enjoyed the musical accompaniment of Mikayla and Marcus.
Attendance was incredible, as the community came in to celebrate together and munch on some finger foods. Thank you to all of the volunteers that helped make the evening a success!
A major blizzard unfortunately cancelled both the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services. The children, luckily, had already performed their pageant.
However, Jan. 1 gave us the chance to recap some of the missing liturgies.
On Jan. 8 we finally had our Cantata, which had been postponed from Dec. 18. We changed the name from a Christmas to Epiphany Cantata, and the music was absolutely wonderful. Thank you to the choir, and guests, for all the effort and talent you shared with us.
Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Remembrance Day In Ridgeway (2022)

Murder Mystery Evening (2022)


Passion, Pasta and Pistols was a roaring success. It was a good time, it was good food, and it raised $600 for the Embrace Centre Ministries. Thank you to all of the actors who put the time in to learn their roles and create their costumes. Thank you to all who bought tickets and kept careful track of each characters movements throughout the evening. And a special shoutout to those who managed to guess the murderer before the big reveal!
October 22, 2022 6-8pm

Sunday School Rally (2022)

Sunday School came back with a bang! A Bouncy Castle and fish pond game made for a fun way to welcome in the season. Then all of the children got to pelt Rev. Bill with water balloons!! Thank you to those who helped with the set up, tear down and BBQ! We are all looking forward to the amazing year before us!
Sept. 11, 2022

Ladies Retreat (2022)

The second ever Ladies Retreat was held Sept. 8-10, 2022 at Jericho House in Wainfleet. A group of 13 ladies got together to discuss the seasons of life and the purpose of each season. Through a series of workshops and activities, the ladies were able to find the joy that we all seek.

Community Arts and Praise (2022)

This year, we switched up our vespers model and expanded it to include more fun activities. Renaming the event "Community Arts and Praise" meant we incorporated a vendor market, UCW sale, kids activity corner and historical sanctuary tours. On week one, we even held a free BBQ for all who showed up!
The event ran from 6-8pm on the Sunday evenings of July (3, 10, 17, 24, 31) and was fairly well attended by both the congregation and the wider community. Thank you to all who helped out on this event in our neverending journey to become accessible to more of our community!

Pride Fort Erie (2022)

St. John's Stevensillve set up at the VERY FIRST Pride event ever to be held in Fort Erie! Even though the weather was incredibly hot, people flocked to see the drag shows, and meet with the allied community. Stay proud, Fort Erie!! June 25, 2022
Habitat Build: Saugeen First Nations (2022)

John Bedell has prepped us all on what to expect, and this marks our very first Habitat for Humanity Building project! The team was sponsored by the estate of Marion Bedell and was a lovely testament to her faith and belief in helping others when they need it most.
Leaving the church at 4:30 in the morning, we drove to Saugeen First Nations Reserve to help build (one of) seven homes that Habitat had on the go. The day was enlightening, hard work, and incredible fun. Thank you to John, Ken, Lisa and Matt who helped the new people find their way around a construction site.
Hopefully this marks only the first of many build projects that we will get to be involved in!
June 20, 2022

Holy Week Activities (2022)

Holy Week began with a Bunny Hop celebration at the Embrace Centre, where we reached out to the community with 500 plastic eggs filled with candy.
Maundy Thursday was unfortunately cancelled, but Good Friday brought us closer together as we navigated our grief over the crucifixion. On Saturday, the children met up for an evening of baking Resurrection Cookies, and then Sunday morning was filled with Hallelujahs!
Christ is died. Christ is Risen. Christ will come again!
April 9 - April 17, 2022

Adult Uke Class (2022)

Adult Uke class took all the fun and enjoyment of our Kids program and offered it to grown ups! A group of dedicated uke-beginners met weekly to learn the basics of music, the ukulele and some songs to present to the rest of the congregation! Each week was fun and filled with laughter.
On Palm Sunday, the whole club got together to provide the music for the Children's Palm Parade in service. We can't wait to do it all again!
Feb. 1, 2022 - Apr. 10, 2022
The crew got together one more time to perform at the Ridgeway Farmer's Market on July 16th, 2022. We showed off all that we had learned, and even got some audience participation!

Shrove Tuesday and ASh Wednesday (2022)

Shrove Tuesday was held at the Embrace Centre during one of the Food For The Body dates. Attendance was wonderful and we all enjoyed the pancakes made by our lovely volunteers. Thank you to all who helped out, and those who attended!
The very next day we came back for the Imposition of the Ashes, led by Rev. Bill. The service was thought provoking and helped us all prepare for Lent properly.
March 2-3, 2022
Snow Adventures 2022

A big thank you to Scott Holmes who opened up his property on Feb. 5th, 2022 for the Sunday School and Youth Group to go spend a day in the snow. Although the pond wasn't ready for skating, we all had a really great time! We look forward to making this a tradition in the years going forward!
Uke Club Fall 2021

Our very first Uke club gathered those 8-12 years old and taught some amazing uke skills. They worked together to learn some Christmas classics and presented them to the congregation on Dec. 5th, 2021. Thank you to all who came out to support our budding musicians! Congrats to all of our players, who have come a very long way in only 10 short weeks!
Angel Walk (2021)

The Angel Walk 2021 was part Meditative Angel Display, part Christmas Bazaar and part Art Show put on by the congregation, the UCW, and the Creative Spirit / Spirituality in Photography... respectively. The event was well attended and will probably be coming back in future years.
Ham and Potato Dinner (2021)

The Ham and Scalloped Potato dinner was offered on Oct. 23, 2021 as a drive-thru, take-out style fundraiser. Big shout out to the volunteers who slaved over the oven all day to make this dinner happen, and those who stood out in the parking lot to take names and deliver meals to cars. You're all awesome!
Boo At The Zoo (2021)

Well, we've never done Boo at the Zoo before, but it was definitely worth the experience! We saw 10,000 people over four days and gave out more candy than I could count! We saw some amazing costumes on people of all ages and even got to dress up ourselves! It was a wonderful time, and the perfect step towards becoming a true "community" church the way we see ourselves, by sharing stories with people and spreading the love with our "pocket prayer shawls." We will be looking to do it all again next year!
Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway (2021)

Diane Hartman and Linda Gorham receive thanks for their contributions! (Sept. 2021)
Diane Hartman and Linda Gorham receive thanks for their contributions! (Sept. 2021)

Thank you to My Home Management for partnering with us to deliver 150 turkey dinners (yup, the whole dinner, sides and fixings included) to those in our neighbourhood who are struggling during this Thanksgiving.
Evening Vespers (2021)

Our second year of Parking Lot Vespers was wonderful! Every second week throughout the summer we met in the north parking lot for a hymn-sing and a short reflection. We appreciate the chance to worship together, especially when the rest of our lives have been online. Special thanks to Beth Riegle and John Bedell for providing the music and the tech support to make it all happen!